Zurich Airport - Summer Time (Aviation Tribute)

Zurich Airport - Summer Time (Aviation Tribute)
zasięg: 640098
czas trwania: 12m 43s
centralne ogrzewanie lublin
ocena: 5077

Waszym zdaniem:

- Wasze zdanie na temat
- Makes me homesick for CH!
- Great Video. hope you have more of them to share.
- fantastic!
- Nice! Awesome! I got Goosebumps! Congratulations Zurich!
- Das verdient eigentlich ein paar mehr Views und Likes! Großartige Arbeit mit den vielen interessanten Perspektiven und schon die Einstiegszene ist ja genial. Auch die anderen Videos sind alle großartig. Hut ab und weiter so!
- belo vídeo.
- What a fantastic video!
- Really beautiful work Andy!
- Check out this video on YouTube:
- I love singapore airlines plan3
- Super Video.
- Einer der schönsten Fliegerfilme, die ich jemals gesehen habe!!!!!!! Danke!!!
- Excellent video Andy. Very well produced.
Thanks for posting.
- Beautiful video. Its nice to see how every employee of different services work hand in hand to success the daily chalanges.
- This is such a good video very good wel done but my favourite parts is at 1:00 ghe way to wingtip vortices interact with the mist is jusy incredible if that doesn't amaze u then u need to get your head checked haha. But it reminds me of the delta wing swirl most famously on concord one of the most iconic aircraft ever made. Simply fabulous thank u for such a great video 
- Can I share this? Awesome video:-D 
- Fantastic.

- Very impressive video.  Wonderful details throughout. 
Bravo ! Have my compliments !
- Awesome greetings from Indonesia
- Chcesz więcej? - niestety brak ciekawych informacji do obejrzenia.