Ultimate Airport Dubai - Season 2 Episode 9

Ultimate Airport Dubai - Season 2 Episode 9
zasięg: 98599
czas trwania: 44m 29s

ocena: 218

Waszym zdaniem:

- Wasze zdanie na temat
- Fernando - 'one who walks on foot'; Jeronimo - 'one who yawns'.
Easily bored pedestrian puts interesting videos on YouTube for 'One Who Sits'; thanks!
- I Might becom a pilot in UAE
- dXb
- 12:00 its just a bullet, confescate it and let them go. filling up jails for no reason
- I love this show omg
- the best best airport
- I live in Dubai!
- This is the best of documentaries but I learned also that most airports are architecturally autonomous from the city they represent. For new Dubai they should have seized at an airport that has elemental reference to the city. Its a loss in the genericness of how the airports are built.
- Did she say my nan died or my dad died

- Carl is a condescending asshole & I would hate to wk with him,& I would love to gv a suit case full of flour wrapped up & see Hassan's face when he find out it's not drugs 
- I would like that my country·s customs exist at least two officer as Hassan. them if they do excelent work ,congratulation, so it continue watching their country of wastes that ham the would
- Why does that British guy speak with an Indian accent 50% of the time? 
- If the horse wants to kick you or take your hand off, it's a piss poor trained horse...
- I would love to work in UAE please I would love to work for the airport I am from panama and I would be your slave if you want it UAE.. I am jobless
- I like me this security of Dubai .is very good 
- I definitely like this show.

But the statement regarding it was great that the passengers would make it to the GP in Monaco in time for the checkered flag is stupid. How could that be god in any way? The checkered flag means the race is over. Why is it good to spend the money to travel to a race, only to arrive after it ends. Answer - they don't know what it means. But, a great show!
- Only thing I've disliked so far, the security guy this episode, jesus he treats everyone like a fucking terrorist even if they have a random bullet, which could have even been empty :/ jesus I own a bullet? Means I'm gonna blow up a country? no. It's an old bullet that looks cool.
- "highly trained people person" What the fuck?
- Is this the last one?
- Good job mate keep it up!
- Chcesz więcej? - niestety brak ciekawych informacji do obejrzenia.