Ultimate Airport Dubai | Season 2 Episode 1

Ultimate Airport Dubai | Season 2 Episode 1
zasięg: 303562
czas trwania: 44m 2s
obejrzyj teraz i oceń sam
ocena: 652

Waszym zdaniem:

- pizzeria lublin
- Waarom heeft KLM geen Airbus A380 (Schiphol)
- Mel has to be the calmest person in the world. No panic with this lady.
- Cheers NZ255. Thanks you tube.
- why they did not on the light ,, so dark
- The a380 was a qantas airliner
- lol Death for carrying drugs
- definitey Qantas
- Nice, looks like an awesome airport I hope to go to Dubai next Easter.
- snakes on the plane @ 13:48
- Regardez cette vidéo sur YouTube :
- Abusive supervisor Mr Jamal needs to act like a responsible manager 
- amazing show but the narrator needs to stop exaggerating the drama. it's irritating.
- My city Dubai is always the leading! I'm so proud I'm a local from Dubai!!
- proud to b  a part of dubai air port
- It fucking sucks how the narrator makes a big deal out of the landing like "If the plane touches down at the wrong speed it could crash... but then miracle, the pilot lands the plane"
- Chcesz więcej? - niestety brak ciekawych informacji do obejrzenia.